Sunday 29 July 2007

Pictures from Graduation Day

Have just uploaded pictures taken on Aviation College Graduation, bunch of happy faces all nervous but eager. The same day we received our familiarisation flight schedule, our licences and basically our wings to fly! We lined up at the foot of the stage waiting for our names to be called. I was the first, and when it's announced "... from Singapore!" I felt like I was winning a beauty pageant. It took much hard work and sacrifices to get here. Hope it's all worth it in the end.
Now we've all got our own schedule, developed our unusual sleep patterns, some of us try to catch up. A few of us are lucky enough to have flights together. It's all good.

Heading to graduation party, picture taken in our apartment lift. From left: David (Malta), Richard (Australia), Merisa (Japan) and me!


gurmit singh said...

Wah pass oredi lah! I admit I am jealous you get to travel around the place like nobody's business. Hmpf. Athens lah, Tehran lah. Double hmpf. :)

whimmykimmy said...

Join me! Join me! Then you can get your arse here in Dubai and we can buddy-bid to travel together!