Sunday, 8 April 2007

June & Kok Leong on 6th April

For weeks leading up to the wedding time seemed to have accelerated. My dear friend June has been preparing for the big day for a long time and being the bridesmaid I am not about to give chance to any shortcomings on that day. Along with the 'sisters' we met and mapped out everything according to spreadsheets and programmes all crafted by the Bride herself.

A little behind-the-scenes observation: Bride-to-be naturally gets stressed up and it seems to me she takes more responsibility upon herself than her other half to make everything right. Maybe it's the nature of the feminine kind, we are careful (sometimes worrying a tad much) and every little detail matters to us. I hope this does not equate to men thinking less about weddings, or marriage for that matter. Just perhaps, testosterone was never meant for wedding planning.

So it was a long day of traditional rituals, tea ceremonies, rehearsals and eventually the grand banquet. I walked down the aisle next to Bernard the bestman (the 'best' man as recommended by the sword bearers) throwing rose petals thinking this could be the closest I'll get to being The Bride.

Nonetheless I am proud to be there and I wish June and Kok Leong everlasting love and happiness.

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